Saturday, March 24, 2007

Family Time Assignment 2002 - 04

E's Kindergarten teacher wanted the children to bring in pictures showing time spent with their families. The assignment was given at the end of one week, due on Monday. And, of course, a child would be crushed to not bring in an appropriate suite of photos. All of our pictures, by then, were digital, so the first thing I did was create a web site, had E type out his words for the assignment, and emailed the result to the teacher, explaining that hard copy pictures just weren't available. Then I said 'what the heck,' printed everything out in black and white, and bound the pictures together with staples and yarn.

My family likes to: Go to the Great Wall

My Mom likes to: Give me kisses but I don't like them

G and I like to: Tease each other

My brother G likes to: Sit on the train

I like to: Draw weird and scary pictures

My Dad likes to: Watch the news and watch baseball on TV

G and I like to: Climb rocks together

My family likes to: Camp out

The pictures are from summer of 2002 through summer of 2004. While W had been watching the 2004 World Series (Cardinals versus Red Sox), he doesn't normally follow any sport. Also, the camping out comment was prompted by the picture of W reading a book, taken on our first and, to date, only family camping trip (as in camping in a tent).

Monday, March 12, 2007

Preschool 1996 - 98

These were special days. We had a little boy, a new house, then a bigger boy and a baby. We had friends who cared for our children and we cared for theirs. It was a "whole village." Then off everyone went following their children to Kindergarten and beyond. The village shrank though, thankfully, there are remnants -- friends we've kept and children whose paths we've tracked.

Super Rat, Garrett's buddy.

Monterey, near the Aquarium.

Marna, part of the Donna and Marna team at GeoKids, with Garrett.

GeoKids was our village. Here are some of the kids, in the "big" kids playground, right before heading off to Kindergarten.

Back at the Aquarium, one of our favorite spots.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

G's 6th Grade 2004

From the beginning he stood out.

G's first and lasting friend from 6th grade, I.

After going on a team building exercise his main comment was that there wasn't enough time on the ropes.

G loved football and he was good at it.

His old and new friends meet for his birthday.

The Greek banquet at the end of 6th grade.

Teacher Appreciation 2004

At the end of E's Kindergarten year, 2005, the Parent Organization held a Hawaiian theme lunch for the teachers.

E's teachers Ms. White, Ms. Gao, Ms. Anderson

E's friends, T, LM, LS, M

C's Dad teaches a beginner's Hawaiian dance for the kids to perform.

Getting ready to perform.

After the performance.